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 Our World, Yours and mine, is enhanced so much by books. Read every day. Try mine.





It is the world of the detective, or the rider of the west, or the wars of the future, or the futility of a life of crime. It is both imaginary and real. It is both experienced and not. It is the world of the writer, the maker of stories, the mind that wanders through unreality.


A library is a place filled with ideas, with knowledge, with the imaginings of many. It is place of refuge, a place of  entertainment, a place of





    A Precious Commodity

    The days are longer now, but still too short to please and older man.

     The sun, the moon, flit across the sky, oblivious of my wishes.

     Time's passage robs then blesses us wondrously, continuously.

     And as time grows shorter we who are aged appreciate it more.

     It is the most precious commodity we have but can never own.

     Its gifts we have held then let slip away into our failing memory.

     Soon enough it will take us and all we know, but maybe,


     Words will remain as a talisman to the swift passage of life.

     But who will read them, giving their precious commodity their time,

     To another, to one who appears from a long dead




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